Right of withdrawalIf for some reason you are not satisfied with your order you can return the purchased goods, without any penalty, within fourteen (14) working days from the day you received the products purchased on MotoManuali.it. The products to be returned must be delivered to the courier fourteen (14) working days from the date of receipt and only after having filled out the Return Form that you find online and which will allow you to obtain the return code. Conditions for exercising the right of withdrawalThe right of withdrawal is exercised correctly if the following conditions are met:
If you have met all the conditions required, you will be reimbursed the price of the products purchased, remaining at your expense only the costs of return. Timing and methods of repaymentAfter we have received your return and checked that all the requirements have been met, you will receive an e-mail confirming acceptance of the return and the refund will be activated as soon as possible, and in any case within thirty (30) days from the date on which you have announced your intention to exercise your right of withdrawal, provided that this occurred in compliance with the conditions above.
Last update: March 10, 2023
PremiseThe offer and sale of products on MotoManuali.it are governed by these Conditions of Sale. 1. How to complete the purchase
To conclude the purchase contract of one or more products on MotoManuali.it, you will have to fill in the forms that will be presented to you, following the relative instructions, so that they are transmitted to the Vendor, electronically. 2. Products and PricesThe products presented on MotoManuali.it are purchased directly from the Seller or are entrusted to the Seller by third parties. 3. Payments
For the payment of the price of the products and the relative shipping and delivery costs, you can follow one of the methods indicated on the order form. 4. Shipping and delivery of products
To know the specific shipping and delivery methods of the products, access the Shipping section. 5. Customer service
You can request any information through the contact forms on the site. 6. Right of withdrawal
Information on the Right of Withdrawal is contained in the appropriate section available on the website. 7. PrivacyYou can obtain information on how we process your personal data by accessing the Privacy Notice 8. Applicable law
These Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by Italian law and in particular by Legislative Decree no. n. 206 of 6 September 2005 on the Consumer Code, with specific reference to the legislation on distance contracts and from the legislative decree n. n. 70 of 9 April 2003 on certain aspects concerning electronic commerce. The competent forum is Milan. 9. Periodic reviews
These Conditions of Sale are subject to periodic changes. These changes take effect from the date of publication on the website at the bottom of this page.
Last update: March 10, 2023
Usage terms and conditions
1. Privacy Policy 2. Contents 3. Industrial and intellectual property 4. Links to other websites 5. Limitation of liability and compensation 6. Applicable law Last update: March 10, 2023 |