Honda VF 1000 F II 1985 manuale uso manutenzione libretto originale ITALIANO

32,00 €


 Back to: Owners manuals
Lingua - Languages
= Italiano - Italian
= Inglese - English
= Francese - French
= Tedesco - German
= Spagnolo - Spanish
= Olandese - Dutch
= Portoghese - Portuguese
= Svedese - Swedish
= Giapponese - Japanese
Condizioni - Condition
= Nuovo - New
= Ottimo - Very good
= Buono - Good
= Discreto - Average
= Scarso/Danneggiato - Poor/Damaged
Brand: Honda

Original vintage owner's maintenance manual - not a copy. The manual is used, complete, good condition, see pictures. Ideal reference document for collectors and restorers. The published photos are real and represent exactly what you will receive. Electric wiring diagram included.